InoCrowd gave my dreams a chance of accomplishment
Dear friends, Today, I’d like to talk about myself as an entrepreneur, and tell you about the goals InoCrowd is meant to help me to...

InoCrowd Close Innovation Platform – a new way to innovate, from the inside, closer to the people in
Dear friends, Today, I’d like to talk to you about the importance of internal innovation programs. The aim of these projects is to...

ISCAD: How to attract investment to Portugal- Case study: Tesla
Dear friends, Last week, on February 21st, InoCrowd has been to the interesting conference presenting “Bring Tesla Gigafactory to...

Second Day on iTechStyle Summit 2017!
Dear friends, As promised last week, let’s have a glance over what happened during the second day of iTechStyle Summit 2017. So, here’s...

First Day on iTechStyle Summit 2017!
Dear friends, I’d like to talk to you about the iTechStyle Summit 2017 first day. InoCrowd was very pleased to get to know great...