Innovation and skills are the priority for Portugal today!

Dear Friends,
My experience, my personal skills and my focus on innovation in business and companies has brought me into close contact with universities and researchers, and I’ve been asked to teach courses, make lectures and conferences from time to time, to share my views on how innovation is critic for the development and the pursuit of new findings, how it entrains the accomplishment of our goals and the future itself.
2017 OECD Economic Survey of Portugal examines and summarizes recent economic developments, policies and prospects as follows:
● The economy is recovering
● Investment is still very low
● Improving skills is crucial for raising prosperity
In comparison to other European countries, the average skills of Portuguese citizens are low, reflecting decades of poor education performance.

So, while it’s great that our economy is gradually recovering from deep recession, “efforts need to continue to raise the skills levels of the low-qualified adult population” states the recently launched OECD report on our country.
“Improving skills will also lead to stronger economic growth, by alleviating the skill shortages faced by Portuguese companies.”
On the other hand, 100 million euros yearly, about 3% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product; PIB in Portuguese) are necessary until 2030 for Portugal to meet the goals as refers Research & Development.
The private corporate sector will have to bear round two thirds of this investment and will also have to rise their contribution for financing in this area.
A new national strategy will have to be drawn as refers knowledge and innovation and a closer cooperation between investigation in Research centres in universities and the companies and industries is envisaged. OCDE suggests that regional innovation platforms are built to offer small and medium size companies (PMEs) better access to the necessary required means for updating their innovation capacity.

I’m sorry that my blog sounds so “economist” today, but I’m so pleased that these OCDE analysis and conclusions come so right to the point to meet what I’ve always felt to be crucial for any country’s development: improvement of education, of skills and knowledge, and structural innovation into our businesses, industries and organisations.
Portugal is going the right way, but significant efforts must be yet made, urgently;
Education and Innovation are priorities now, and always.
InoCrowd is meant to bring together researchers and businesses seeking innovative ideas to build their future.
Meanwhile, InoCrowd’s on the verge of changing and updating itself from the inside and to become global!
I’ll keep you posted!
Kind regards,
Soraya Gadit