InoCrowd Close Innovation Platform – a new way to innovate, from the inside, closer to the people in

Dear friends,
Today, I’d like to talk to you about the importance of internal innovation programs.
The aim of these projects is to promote the participation of employees in their own organisation by bringing forward innovative thinking and disruptive concepts, giving them the opportunity to explore their full potential. These ideas are given the chance of being developed, tried out, and actually implemented, with important benefit for the organization.
Sometimes, companies are not aware of the potential and knowledge of their own people!
Let’s have a look into two examples of companies that already make use and welcomes this kind of programs into their environment:
Adobe Kickstart
“We wanted to figure out how to unleash more innovation, beyond relying on a few big-budget projects from engineering and design teams. (...) You need those too, of course, and we have them, but Kickbox is a way to get a lot of ideas, including some you’d never find any other way — and some that wouldn’t survive a more bureaucratic vetting process.”
Mark Randall, by Anne Fisher
“Kickbox can turn innovation from something uncertain and scary into something you know how to do. Now, when I have a new idea I can use the process and test it out. It’s like power tools for innovators.”
Kush Amerasinghe, Computer Scientist, Adobe
Images from Forbes and Adobe blog
Linkedin [in]cubator

“Once each quarter, any employee at the company can come up with an idea, put together a team, and pitch an idea to an executive team. If the project is approved, the team then gets to spend up to three months turning that idea into an actual product or service. These ideas can be anything from internal tools to HR programs to technology improvements. The goal here, again, is to give employees a chance to get their ideas and their voices heard; and to make it easy for anyone to be able to turn an idea into a reality.”
By Jacob Morgan
“When teams pitch their [in]cubator projects, I have the pleasure of joining a panel of judges that includes CEO Jeff Weiner, co-founder Reid Hoffman, and SVP of Products and User Experience Deep Nishar. The creativity, variety, and enthusiasm have been inspiring. We’ve seen proposals for internal tools, new product & business lines, infrastructure improvements, and human resources programs. The teams have included folks from all over the company, including engineering, product, design, marketing, sales, and human resources.”
By Kevin Scott
InoCrowd promotes “close innovation”, a platform with the look & feel of the company where employees explore or launch challenges and present their own ideas. Such innovation program gives the organisation the chance of understanding the personal skills and creativity of its own people, and make use of it to boost innovation from within the company.
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit