At InoCrowd, it’s time to take stock of 2018!

Dear Friends,
I know what you’re thinking: Alive again? what has she been doing? What has kept her from blogging for so long?
For my prolonged silence I must excuse me before all of you, my very patient readers, may dearest faithful readers.

As you might already have figured out, yes, it’s InoCrowd that’s been keeping me away from you. It’s not too much work! It’s never too much when I think of my work at InoCrowd! But it surely keeps me very busy!
Many things have changed at InoCrowd, or perhaps, in fact, nothing at all has changed, once the very nature of InoCrowd is Change itself; we keep moving and connecting people and support organisations to make changes, to innovate and move forward.
That’s InoCrowd´s business, as you very well know already.
This year, InoCrowd has had a huge investment from a very important Biotechnology and Information Technology investor, which has made InoCrowd grow: it’s Human Resources have increased in number of qualified collaborators, and our new technological platform in 50 different languages, fantastic new look and features is being built up and is almost ready to launch, and it will allow us to expand further, at a global extent.
Have you noticed our new logo? Innovation in our very appearance, to start with! It’s great and self-explanatory, don’t you agree? Please, visit our website, completely renewed and much more intuitive and user-friendly, unveiling what the new platform will look and feel like.

In the meantime, InoCrowd has solved many crucial challenging problems for a number of important companies who have sought for our contribution in accelerating their innovation pace and actually finding them new paths into the future.
We have succeeded in delivering an intumescent paint for a major paint industry company in Portugal, managed to find a solution to provide free Wi-Fi to an important car rental group, found innovative solutions to park more airplanes, without buying more land, at Lisbon Portela airport, and also managed to find substitutes for sugar of natural origin for industrial food production!
More recently, InoCrowd was able to find new ways of communication for EDP distribution Smart Meters, and to find innovative solutions to identify passengers inside metro of Porto without a valid title.
In addition to the various most interesting challenges we’ve had, InoCrowd’s strong presence in this year’s edition of Lisbon WEBSUMMIT must be mentioned, and it brought more than a hundred potential customers to our stand!
We are currently identifying partners who would wish to work together with InoCrowd on the promising new cycle starting in 2019.
New challenges come by continuously, renewing and defying researchers and creative minds all over the world for innovative solutions!
Kind regards,
Soraya Gadit