ISCAD: How to attract investment to Portugal- Case study: Tesla

Dear friends,
Last week, on February 21st, InoCrowd has been to the interesting conference presenting “Bring Tesla Gigafactory to Portugal” movement, launched and unflaggingly driven and developed by Miguel Duarte, Patrícia Candeias, Rui Miguel Coelho, Catarina Becker, André Marquet, Ricardo Serrão, Mário Dinis and Filipe Fernandes.
João Geraldes, Director of ISCAD, hosted this important initiative, which was broadcast in Livestreaming.
Portugal is one of many European countries actually “fighting” to bring Tesla Gigafactory to the country.
You can follow and participate in this initiative on facebook: or hashtag #gigainportugal.
According to Rui Miguel Coelho, CEO of Personal Brands and representing Tesla in Portugal, Portuguese are said to “transform” themselves when they are working in another country or foreign company. In fact, Portuguese people know very well how to work and they have excelled as refers this project.
Many municipalities have already volunteered to receive the Gigafactory offering amazing possibilities undreamt of.
The aim of this movement is to promote public discussion, inform about its initiative and demonstrate to Tesla that it is very welcome.
Miguel Coelho also suggested us to read Elon Musk’s Biography. He’s a disruptive person with a strong unusual capacity of making things happen.
He ends his presentation by telling that even if the gigafactory doesn’t come to Portugal after all, Tesla may come to build, at least, a battery fabric. He announced the Green fest that will happen between March 24th and 26th.
Ermelinda Carrachás, Secretary General at Ministry of Economy and teacher at ISCAD, informs that it’s not guaranteed that Tesla will come to Portugal. But Tesla may now be considering our country as a good opportunity, and acknowledge much of what our country has to offer to this company and this project, besides of course, the excellent weather, food, wine and our strategic position in Europe.
At the moment, EUA is not at its best!
Portugal needs to continue its homework and try to influence and impact the decision, in spite of the many important and strong lobbies in Europe.
The fact remains that this initiative has already a crowd of 73.000 supporters on Facebook only (100.000 is the next target!), and is, therefore, pretty sure to have reached an important and differentiating level.
Renato Costa talked about the connection between this project and the universities like an “added value”. Finland is our greatest competitor and we have important linguistic distinctive characteristics: our language is the 5th spoken in the world, and we talk good English and Spanish also!
He makes a promise: “If Tesla comes to Portugal, he will help with junior consulting – We are bigger than we think”
Bellow, the 1st promotional video!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this experience and follow this remarkable initiative!
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit