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At InoCrowd, every day is like the first day of Spring!

Dear Friends,

InoCrowd’s been keeping me busy and allowing me little time to write.

However, my mind travels far and very fast, and work feeds my imagination and my every instant with all kinds of different thoughts and unlikely connections, unforeseeable associations…

That makes me come back every once in a while, on unpredictable schedule, to write again, and share with you further more about my personal experiences.

That’s why I blog!

I’m so glad so many of you care to pay attention to me and my passionate life with InoCrowd’s business.

Everyday is a new beginning, and an exciting novel happening at InoCrowd, and business really breaks through with amazing new opportunities, discoveries and all kinds of innovative ways in which life somehow manages to recreate itself in unrepeated new cycles, just as unlimited as are Spring blossoms!

Unfortunately, Spring is so very late this year and winter seems to wish to stay forever!!

But not at InoCrowd, where new cycles begin at a daily rate!

New challenges come by continuously, renewing and defying researchers and creative minds all over the world for innovative solutions!

At InoCrowd, everyday is like the first day of Spring!

Have you noticed how many challenges are running at InoCrowd platform as we speak? Curiously, all of them international!!

After years of important Success Cases involving important national and multinational Portuguese companies and organisations, such as ANA Aeroportos, Vinci, AutoEuropa, Barbot, IP, EDP and so many others, we are now dealing with international seekers challenging InoCrowd to help them find innovative solutions and creative solvers!

I’ll be telling you all about our past very striking and valuable success stories in future blogs, and I’m also eager to give you more about InoCrowd’s soon to be launched fantastic new look, layout and features!

Kind regards,

Soraya Gadit



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