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First Day on iTechStyle Summit 2017!

Dear friends,

I’d like to talk to you about the iTechStyle Summit 2017 first day. InoCrowd was very pleased to get to know great researchers and learn first-hand about their work and experience.

Here’s an overview of all sessions of February 13th.

Opening Session

Paulo Melo (ATP), César Araújo (ANIVEC), Simão Gomes (ANIT-LAR) and José Robalo (ANIL), talked their views about crucial points of textile industry evolution.

  • Portugal represents 4% of European textiles export;

  • There’s uncertainty about Brexit, Trump and France;

  • Germany disinvested grossly on its industry;

  • Now, Canada opened its borders to Europe;

  • The Portuguese need to learn how to sell better, “We need to be like the Italian”.


Challenges: Digitization value chains at fast pace and «Greening Jobs & Sustainability»

Key messages: “New Industry Paradigm impacts the entire T&D industry transformation.”

José Caldeira (ANI):

Research and innovation should go together. Companies should ask for loans and remember to invest not only in research but also in innovation.

Speaking of innovation, there are challenges that we must work together with other companies, areas and countries.

Organisations should also take part in European actions and participate in business associations and clusters, for example. Sources of knowledge “burst out”! There is a huge need of investment, as knowledge “expires”!

HR is another crucial aspect: Research and innovation projects help training people.

Advanced Fibres, Materials and Processes

Clara Pereira (REQUIMTE/LAQV):

Speaking of Textile Industry, the researcher introduced the concept of using changing colours in clothing. Under the sunshine and UV radiation, a t-shirt’s changes its colour. It is crucial to healthy, because it alerts when people should move away from direct sunshine.

Roberto Teixeira (DEVAN CHEMICALS):

The organisation the researcher works for explores the potential of comfort, health and protection in textiles.

As refers comfort, he brought about the possibility of textiles to change their temperature according to human body’s. In Europe, the ideal temperature is between 28º - 30º Celsius.

Focus of China: Upward trend in mobility, generational shift and E-Commerce. Their increased labour, electricity and gas costs.

Digitization and Dematerialization of Textile and Clothing Prototypes

Edouard Macquin (LECTRA):

Brought about the importance of Millennials generation, as active, digital and impatient part of population. They are more demanding and don’t like to pay high prices.

About IoT, it is important to refer its importance and revolutionary concept. We are talking about Industry 4.0: 1 – Steam, 2- Electricity, 3- Computers and 4- Digital, where everything is included.

Filipe Coutinho (MACPI):

Sports clothing demands something innovative: there are problems with the sewing. Athletes like to feel “without clothes”.

The new concept can be found on sports brands like Adidas, Salomon, Berg. It can get less expensive, and worn by cyclists and swimmers like Michael Phelps.

InoCrowd’s very grateful for the privilege of joining this very interesting conference, and looks forward to next year’s.

Next week, I’ll let you take a peek into the second day.

Kind Regards,

Soraya Gadit



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