"The largest tech conference in the world" is coming up and InoCrowd’s in!

Dear Friends,
Back in business, as they say, and back to your company! Thank you for being there!
Never quitted, though! InoCrowd never stops!
This Summer meant much to me and to InoCrowd.
While things followed their idle casual flow, and it was hot outside, InoCrowd always kept running at speed, establishing new links and connecting non-stop businesses with researchers and working brains from all over the world!
Different companies have trusted InoCrowd with their challenging quests for innovative solutions; Check out the new challenges at InoCrowd platform in search for solvers all over the world, all during summertime and onward!
I feel the amazing power of communication and of the way the world ‘s now at our fingertips!
Technology challenges you to aim further, but also brings you, faster than ever, the answers to your needs and doubts, enlightens and discovers new paths for your business, even when your company seems to have reached a deadlock!
By the way, "The largest tech conference in the world" is going to happen in Lisbon real soon, less two months from now!
The Web Summit’s 60.000 attendees, more than 650 speakers from more than 160 countries are meeting in Lisbon on November 6 to 9!
And InoCrowd’s joining the party again!
A real party in fact, and InoCrowd is getting ready to celebrate for more than one reason, once 2 of our collaborators will be there working, introducing InoCrowd and establishing new connections, and celebrating their birthdays during the conference! It’ll be exciting and fun!
I’ll be blogging about it further.
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit