InoCrowd delivered, once again!

Dear Friends,
"The results are Positive and motivating, showing (…) potential, and may even be further improved."
I couldn’t be more excited! For weeks we had been expecting news, but the lab results took a while to show up!
Science is everywhere in the world, at its summit!
And InoCrowd bridges to make the two ends meet – the Portuguese Seeker with the challenging loophole, and a Solver with a ready brilliant research, just waiting to be tested and implemented!
This was a very interesting challenge from an industry with ambition and energy, totally focused in innovating, aiming to grow and attain new markets.
At first, the challenge was far too extraordinary for them to believe InoCrowd would come to hand over a solution in only 60 days! It just didn’t seem possible!
The answer came from one of the world's oldest civilizations, a far country from the Middle East, where, after all, scientific research is at its highest level in the required field, and was just waiting to be handed over to this Portuguese Seeker!
How could I not feel this enthusiasm?
I feel absolutely accomplished, and deeply grateful when InoCrowd achieves to solve a great challenge with such true perfection!
InoCrowd delivered, once again!
Have a nice weekend! I’ll be celebrating!
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit