This is how InoCrowd works: #2 – Challenge ANA Aeroportos

Dear Friends,
Just having completed, and accomplished, an important challenge for a very important great company, with a most successful solution from a brilliant young solver, I feel that this week I am not warn-out! Instead, there’s a light feeling as if suddenly I got a new intense energy flowing, and freshness had calm down summer’s hardness.
Weeks ago, I’ve started telling you about InoCrowd’s many success cases!
Today, when there’s a new one just coming to light, I feel like resuming my story telling of InoCrowd’s interesting challenges, trying to convey to you the excitement I experience in my work, and how awesome our Open Innovation model really is, achieving to help companies and organisations solving their troublesome, complex, demanding, sophisticated, awkward, testing issues!
#2 – Challenge ANA Aeroportos – Theoretical Challenge from Oporto’s Airport
ANA Aeroportos couldn’t cope with a chronic problem at Oporto’s Francisco Sá Carneiro airport.
The problem existed from the very opening date of the airport site, and it meant significant expenditures in claims and compensation costs to airline companies, due to the delays caused to flights at the airport.
Airplanes grounded in stands at the airport had difficulty in obtaining the First FIX of the GPS signal; sometimes the devices simply reported “No signal”, constantly causing considerable constraints to airline companies.
This issue could be due to a combination of several different factors interfering with the GPS sensors, namely multipath (aggravated by the proximity of metallic zones), bad geometry of the line of sight to the satellites, partial coverage from satellites that should have been in line of sight…
ANA had already studied the matter thoroughly, even in collaboration with local universities investigators and experts.
ANA placed the challenge at InoCrowd’s platform.
The expected solutions had to present a well-structured theoretical case to be evaluated by the Seeker. The Seeker – ANA Aeroportos – would prefer solutions including mathematical models with real data, conclusions, and an activity plan with the identification of the resources required for its implementation. The solutions had to be implementable within 3 months.
The challenge was open during 60 days and investigators from national and international universities showed great interest.
InoCrowd received 25 solutions, which were assessed by ANA Aeroportos’ Innovation Commission.
The winning solution proved that the problem was caused by probable interference from a nearby industrial plant communications antenna, and the cost for solving the whole trouble would be of as much as 0 €! Other solutions presented high costs as high as 1 to 2 million euros!
The solution was tested during 3 months with excellent results and, therefore, it was considered a success case merely 5 months after the challenge was launched in InoCrowd’s platform.
The winning project was delivered by the Radio Systems Investigation Team from Instituto de Telecomunicações, directed by Professors teaching at IST and ISCTE-IUL
Can you imagine a more amazingly simple, fast, effective and thorough money saving solution?!
This is how InoCrowd works!
And that’s how completely rewarded, satisfied, balanced and proud it makes me feel!
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit