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Moving around with InoCrowd as the centre of the universe!

Dear Friends,

It’s exciting how InoCrowd keeps attracting interest from businesses and companies, small and large, very important – though, I must confess, sometimes totally new to me – all over Portugal and internationally.

I got to travel North and South about the country constantly, because people wish to know how we work, what’s our business, what services do we provide. Usually they are completely fascinated by our amazing success cases.

However, it’s not out of curiosity that important companies often challenge InoCrowd. They call for innovative ideas to solve sometimes chronic troubles, a difficult puzzlelike situation, the real sticking point that’s delaying or preventing a new product from hitting the market, or just require that unique disruptive idea that will make the cut!

I have a full schedule every week of meetings and all sorts of business events, often 2 or 3 in the same day, that make me travel around in Lisbon and to every part in the country.

InoCrowd platform is online 24 hours a day, everyday; There are no business days for InoCrowd, nor weekends. It’s a tireless quest, a relentless journey connecting knowledge and creativity to any organisation in search for innovation!

I am available to reach out to every part of the country and sometimes even abroad, often in European countries.

Maybe people imagine that InoCrowd is merely a software that stays put somewhere in a virtual reality, where distance is merely seconds away.

InoCrowd cannot do without this knocking at all doors first, this availability to meet every engagement, even if it means to move about considerably, and regularly.

Of course, there’s Skype, but meeting with our clients and partners in person is essential and frequently indispensable, not only to show our interest and commitment, but also our support.

The fact is that we’ve solved different companies’ problems in Lisbon and in Porto, but also in Palmela, in Braga, in Viseu… and next Monday, I’ll be in Berlin, visiting companies such as Bosch, DHL and Volkswagen.

Today, lucky me, I’m attending a very interesting event at hub:raum Berlin: “Unleash the global potential of open innovation during this 48-hour hack fest to hack the passenger journey!”

By the way, be sure to meet the deadline next week for the demanding challenge at InoCrowd platform, seeking for Mobile Access to EDP File Share! I’m thrilled: a number of proposed solutions have already been submitted, but the countdown is running until June 19th!

Isn’t it exciting?

Kind Regards,

Soraya Gadit



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