Deadline! Deadline!

Dear Friends,
We are reaching the last mile before the final deadline of some active challenges at InoCrowd’s Platform!
It has been a period of intensive work, but very rewarding. Solvers have shown great enthusiasm in all the challenges, in very different areas.
And this is the exciting point where I get increasingly impatient, anxious to lay my eyes on all proposed solutions from our solvers in their quest for innovation!
If you are interested in one of InoCrowd Challenges – from Infraestruturas de Portugal, EDP or ACA - Associação Conversa Amiga, you will find the core issues and all details and descriptions at
I’d like to remind you of some important aspects and answer to some FAQ:
The question of the “Prize” usually raises doubts and queries, like:
– ”5.000€ is not even close to the value of the solution I have to propose!”
The proposal has to include the total cost of the solution, including the costs of its development, the equipment (if applicable), the knowledge, the time allotted for developing and, in the case of an existing patent, the cost of licensing or royalties.
In addition to the payment of the cost of the solution, there is an incentive prize for the best solution!
And this is an essential interesting part of our business model, and what makes it a success!
That and of course the deadline!
For your participation to be accept, you need to submit your solution until due date and time, 23h59 p.m. (Lisbon Local Time).
In case you need some help, an instruction manual was prepared for you, as well as a template and an Excel sheet to facilitate your participation.
Please feel free to contact me or my team at InoCrowd’s Platform, e-mail, social networks, in case you have more queries!
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit