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All industry and Business seek and update with Open Innovation: #1 – Challenge Volkswagen Autoeurop

Dear Friends,

When I mention open innovation, I notice that for many it is still something new. The important thing is that companies dare to explore its overwhelming benefits.

Actually, even though my experience with InoCrowd Platform clearly confirms that Open Innovation reduces research costs and speeds up innovation, some people still think Open Innovation only applies to some areas or businesses; Truly and as a matter of fact, it can be applied in all industry sectors!

For instance, there are 2 challenges from EDP, an energy company, 1 challenge from Infraestruturas de Portugal, a road and railway networks’ infrastructures company, and 2 challenges from Associação Conversa Amiga, a non-profit organisation, all running at InoCrowd’s Platform as we speek!

We can already show you more excellent examples by our many success cases!

#1 – Challenge Volkswagen Autoeuropa – Non-destructive testing of laser welding

Volkswagen Autoeuropa was seeking an alternative laser welding testing method, that would not destroy 6 vehicles per year. The new procedure should also significantly optimize welds analysis time, show potential for standardisation within the Volkswagen Group, easily fit into the industrial environment, at reduced cost and return on investment within a period of less than a year. The winning project, which brought aviation technology into automotive industry, met all requirements and was submitted within only 60 days after launch of the challenge at The winning solution was provided by a research team of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

“The platform provided by InoCrowd enabled Volkswagen Autoeuropa to access knowledge and skills that were not available within your organisation. The simple formula used to solving problems, as “challenges”, tightens together companies, universities and R&D organisations. Volkswagen Autoeuropa acknowledges that this approach brings a huge promotional potential and high leverage to corporate innovation capability, driving scientific research to the development of solutions that will create value to its processes and products.”

Statement by Eng. Margarida Pereira, Director of Innovation at Autoeuropa

More information about our challenges and success cases can be found at

Keep in touch! You’ll find out how interesting open innovation turns out to be for your company’s development and innovation.

Kind Regards,

Soraya Gadit



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