NOS Innovation Award 2016: Not the Winner, Still a Winner!

Dear Friends,
As you already know from my last post last week, InoCrowd was one of the finalist nominees for “Prémio Inovação NOS 2016”, and the exclusive award ceremony was held last Tuesday, April 18th, which of course I was invited to, and attended with great pleasure and some expectation.
I had the pleasure of meeting with interesting people, some of which are important personalities, and a few I even consider friends in business, very pleasant and exciting people to talk to, like Jorge Portugal, General Manager at COTEC, and João Vasconcelos, State Secretary for Industry.
There were very important distinct people hosting this event, like Miguel Almeida, CEO at NOS, Daniel Proença de Carvalho, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Global Media Group, João Ricardo Moreira, NOS Communications administrator, Rosália Amorim, Director at Dinheiro Vivo and Arsénio Reis, Director at TSF.
We were welcomed with a very nice cocktail and a wonderful dinner at Convento do Beato, beautifully decorated with glasslike transparent furniture and NOS bright changing colours coming from behind the walls of the lovely historic building Hall.
The prizes of this 2016 edition were delivered by NOS Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of Global Media to the startup, pme and large companies’ winners.
Although InoCrowd did not get the first prize in its category, I feel like a winner. We have been selected, with twelve other excellent finalist nominees, among 130 candidates! Can you imagine how much hard work this represents, and how important for a young project like InoCrowd’s this is?
Besides, it's wonderful to stand out from a huge set of potential companies!
InoCrowd has been growing steadily and winning recognition, brand awareness and reputation with the contribution of such award nominations and previously won prizes.
InoCrowd’s recent developments are absolutely amazing for me, and make me so proud!
Thank you very much for your kind support and great encouragement!
King Regards,
Soraya Gadit