Final countdown for NOS Innovation Award! Fingers Crossed for a few more days!

Dear Friends,
Have you heard about InoCrowd’s nomination for “Prémio Inovação NOS 2016”?
April 18th will be the big day, when NOS Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of Global Media will deliver the prizes of this 2016 edition.
Since November I’m awaiting eagerly this day. To be selected as finalist is already an accomplishment, and a reward for my everyday struggle for the steady, sustained growth of InoCrowd in the market. Each year feels like an important benchmark. New partnerships, new achievements, new challenges, new seekers and solvers!
InoCrowd has been awarded as best innovator Business by Millenium, CINC 5, Start-UP Chile, Tech Media, Eban Share Deals, Femina 2015, and achieved the best Start-Up Global Award 2016, by Hewlett Packard.
Those who follow me and InoCrowd, thank you so much!
Now, keep your fingers crossed, and wish me luck! ;)
Kind regards,
Soraya Gadit