InoCrowd reaches out with innovative solutions to those who need the most
Dear friends,
Today, I’d like to bring to you the subject of corporate social responsibility and the aim of InoCrowd to help people and contribute for their well-being.
I had the pleasure to get to know ACA – “Associação Conversa Amiga”. They do an extraordinary volunteer work especially with homeless and the neediest people.
Their keywords are “conversation” and “the person”. Talk with whom? With people in situation of loneliness and exclusion.
I’d like to point out two of ACA’s projects: the “Solidarity Lockers” and the “Health Kiosks”.
The “Solidarity Lockers” are valuable to people living in the streets, incapable of protecting their scarce belongings from being stolen.
“In addition to your practical usefulness, this project goes together with a monitoring program conducted by a technical team, composed of a psychologist and a social worker. The purpose is to build a relationship of trust with the users, that can enhance their sense of self-esteem, empowerment and motivation. Thus, the relationship around social and health services boosts the effectiveness of social intervention.”
The need of an “Health Kiosk” arises from the lack of access to primary healthcare, affecting mostly older people, but also and others in the community.

“Health Kiosk” – Quiosques da Saúde (QDS) – build the concept "new relationship with health" – easy, simple and close-by – like the magazine and newspapers kiosk. It is a project of social innovation and entrepreneurship, which aims to facilitate access to primary healthcare to the elderly, and others in the community, as much as it works to minimise the growing isolation and exclusion of the elderly.”
I’m very happy to join this cause. I’d like to invite you to visit ACA’s challenges launched on InoCrowd’s platform, active from now until May 11th.
Submit your solution and be helpful to this association!
Create a Reserved Area on ACA's Website:
Give an Interactive Digital Face to one of ACA's "Health Kiosks" in Lisbon:
It’s important to underline that all challenges are pro bono. InoCrowd supports ACA because these challenges fit perfectly InoCrowd’s corporate social responsibility core principles.
Let’s embrace this cause!
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit
"Because when we talk we are more human"