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Open Innovation around the world!

Dear friends,

Today, I’d like to talk to you about which might be the top Open Innovation Countries around the world.

Stefan Lindegaard, author, speaker and advisor focusing on corporate transformation based on digitalization, disruption and innovation, whom I follow for his remarkable research and views in this matters, points out the top 4 Open Innovation Countries:

1. United States of America

“(…) We have the companies, intermediaries/service providers, top academics and all the best conferences. There are simply too many to mention here.”

2. United Kingdom

“Among other UK companies, I like Psion, which is gaining traction with their Ingenuity Working community, and O2, which recently shared some initiatives that although they had some internal focus also revealed a proper mindset for open innovation (…).”

3. Germany

“I met several innovation leaders from German companies at a recent conference in Berlin and I sensed that many are really starting to get open innovation. Germany also seems to be the place in Europe with the most relevant conferences and events, although several of those are in Germany language only. They also have several service providers including Hype Innovation, which does a good job on educating their customers and the community.”

4. Netherlands

“I have had the opportunity to engage with several Dutch companies including Philips, which I believe can turn into a great case on open innovation in the near future. Other interesting companies include AkzoNobel, DSM and Unilever. The Netherlands also has several workshops and events on open innovation.”

Referring to Asia in particular, Stefan Lindegaard mentions various specific Asian countries, and groups them as “the top 5 countries to look out for if you are interested in open innovation in Asia”:

1. Malaysia

“(…) I think the country has the potential to become the open innovation hub in Asia. Imagine a place where the best conferences happen, universities that encourage research on open innovation practices, service providers that choose Malaysia as their Asian HQ, small companies that huddle up in clusters while they innovate together with larger companies in Malaysia and globally.”

2. South Korea

“This is the place with most open innovation activity, in my opinion. LG in particular is active and you also have a leading service provider in Knowledge Works that works hard to promote open innovation in South Korea.(…)”

3. Singapore

“Even though open innovation is different/difficult in some of the key industries in Singapore such as biotech and services, their relentless focus on innovation in general will help them become a leading country in open innovation.”

4. China

“You cannot get around China even though especially Chinese-based companies still seem to be in the process of developing an international innovation mindset.”

5. Japan

“(…)This is a big economy with lots of R&D and innovation. But is it an open economy that embraces open innovation?”

In Portugal, open innovation is taking the first steps:

"We’ve concluded that, within a sample of 70 Portuguese companies with relatively large innovation dynamics, only about a quarter implement "open innovation" in their innovation strategy". This remark is found in a study conducted by Aurora Teixeira and Mariana Lee, both researchers at FEUP.”

in Jornal de Negócios, April 14th, 2011.

InoCrowd delivers “Open Innovation” ready available to businesses in Portugal and in every country in the world!

Kind Regards,

Soraya Gadit



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