My New Blog!

Dear friends,
I’d like to introduce you to my new blog.
The aim is to reveal the player behind the scene, i.e., myself and my work, as driving force for InoCrowd, and why and how it’s so important to me, CEO and Founder, to implement the open innovation concept through InoCrowd’s platform.
You’ll have a glance into my background as a business and entrepreneur and have a chance to know about Inocrowd’s challenges, milestones, awards, events and everyday work.
I’d like to invite you to visit inocrowd’s new website:
Now, you are welcome to follow me on this blog and, of course, InoCrowd on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more recently, on Instagram too.
If you’d like to make any suggestions or to know more about InoCrowd’s platform, we’ll be happy to receive your contact.
Kind Regards,
Soraya Gadit